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Premium Penny Stock Picks, Resources & Tools




Bookmark this site!  Penny Investor finds and documents the most profitable penny stocks on the Internet and is the original, traditional penny stock information service on the net.   We select our penny stock picks based on 1. Investor Awareness, 2. News, 3. Volume, 4.  Forecast Rate - Profitability, 5. Company Outlook - IR Research.  We have been ranked as a premier penny stock information service VIA the WWW from major online surveys, and have been featured on Internet Radio Stations and Published in numerous offline books/newsletters.  If you're interested in penny stock trading, refer to our site first to obtain accurate, reliable information.


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Since 1995, The Penny Traders at Penny Investor have offered Penny Stock Trading Tools, Tips, eBooks, Picks and all of the resources a novice, intermediate or advanced trader would need.  Founded on a free server in the mid 90's, we launched to offer our proven tools to penny stock traders.

Beginning in 1997, we launched The Penny Investor Newsletter which is a bi-weekly penny stock newsletter mailout to our subscribers which was one of the first newsletters on the web and one of the most successful.  We currently offer our picks via members area only.

Since the subsequent inception and launch of, we have without question paved the way in the educational penny stock market, creating a Penny Stock Resource commercial template for which hundreds of other penny stock sites would follow for years to come.

You see, we are actual penny stock traders "just like you" who have decades of combined experience in this niche trading sector and not just simply information publishers or liaisons or just acquired a site. We have been doing this online since 1995.  We have and will continue to provide premium penny stock resources, tools, picks through our 1 Year Membership offered at our web site.

Although, our site has been featured in small cap investor magazines, radio, media sites and offline publications, we don't tout or build up ourselves in an unrealistic manner. 

We simply provide top notch real world profitable penny picks and trading resources to individual short and long term small cap investors and day traders.

If you're serious about penny stock trading and want access to the most profitable penny picks on the web, then look no further.

Blue Divider 

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"H.I.R, proud to be providing the most essential, most

valuable Penny Stock Trading Information Online to

investors since 1995"

"Knowledge Is Unforgiving Power"

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Penny Investor is run by a group of wall street stock educational providers and consultants that have been actively engaged in the penny stock market who are on top of the game when it comes to finding the hottest, most active stocks while providing the most essential tools for making money with these securities.  When we had first started out, we found it difficult like many to make consistent profits with penny stocks.  We all knew and have come to realize the enormous profitability that can be realized by trading penny stocks, but after buying and selling trading penny stocks, we discovered that you really do need a plan when buying them.

It's not just one tool or technique that will empower you to make good decisions in the stock market, but rather a culmination of tools, resources and techniques used in the right way to make consistent profits with penny stocks in the small cap markets, including the Nasdaq, OTC-BB and Canadian exchanges.

Penny Investor - a note from the founder

Keeping it real is one of the keys to both business and personal success in life. 

Thousands already know how profitable, educational, insightful and cutting edge our resources and services are and I'm sure you will too through, the original, most trusted and reliable penny stock site.


As the founder of PennyInvestor, I started trading Penny Stocks several years ago.  I spent some time buying into the Blue Chip Stocks (Coca-Cola, IBM) etc.. for a few years before I went into Pennies, but I wasn't making a whole lot.   It was a hobby back then, now it's my job.  When I started trading Pennies, I noticed right off the bat that I was in a whole new ball game. I had to learn how to trade all over again.  PENNY STOCK: - Any NASDAQ OTC-BB (Over the Counter Bulletin Board Stock) stock that is trading under .50 PER SHARE.   That's my definition.   Technically, it's $5, but I find that with my penny stock trading techniques, I make a lot more money when dealing with small caps of lesser value.


After the first couple of weeks, I was easily being misled by promotors, liars, and con-artists.   In no time at all, I was sinking big time, I was over $57,000 in debt.  I did realize that you could make substantial amounts of cash in Penny Stocks, ONLY IF YOU KNEW WHAT YOU WERE DOING????


THE INTERNET: what a place!  Where do you find the Best Services and Resources - (Ex.) Message Boards, Chat Rooms, Free Real Time Quote Services, Penny Stock Websites, SEC Information Sites, Blogs, the right Penny Stock Brokers, the best Newsletters and Mailing Lists to be on.  WHO CAN YOU TRUST? I learned, that in order to pick myself back up, I had to do some intense DD (Due Diligence).  It took me about a month, but I did it.  I found out the best resources.  I stood on the sidelines and  watched every big penny stock rally.   I learned how to buy in the dips, place stop loss orders properly "so I really never lose money", project what the price of the stock will go to, and most importantly of all aspects, I always figured out why the stock reacted the way it did, Floats - Types of Trades, etc...  I got better and better at it, and now, I make serious dough!!!   (Ex).  A stock goes from .02 to .04 cents a share, due to: 1. News or 2. Volume or 3. Market Makers or all of the above, YOU DOUBLE YOUR MONEY!!! That is the beauty of penny stocks. To make substantial profits with these stocks, you need to buy many thousands of shares at a time, which is very easy, and very low cost to do.  I spend 7 days a week researching and analyzing penny stocks, it's what I do.  I am now a top notch penny stock day trader, and I have a routine.  I'm not going to tout myself and or build up myself or our site in any ways, because we don't need to, unlike many other web sites.  The funny thing is, you don't need but a $100 to start. IMPORTANT::: Anybody who has even a little get up and go, motivation, WILL MAKE MONEY!!!  You don't need a degree, and you don't need to have any experience trading stocks.  I've put together an info. packet that we've offered since 1995 which is updated regularly, along with essential eBooks, member resources and picks, that tells it all (below), everything!!!   When all used together, good things can happen.  I have a system.......  The great thing is, is that you can apply all of the methods that I tell you to any Country's Market, Canada, etc.. --- (You may ask yourself: If this is so great, why doesn't everybody do it, or even know about it?)   Because people haven't taken the time to understand, believe, and create!   Patience is a virtue.  There are a lot of inexperienced penny stock traders out there, settling for less because they haven't put any real effort into making that special trade.  They settle for a fraction for what they really should be making.  We make penny stock profits a true reality!

I don't know how successful you are at investing in Penny stocks, but I know how successful I am.  I know the best resources till this day.  I only invest in stocks that have no more than a .50 per share value. And you know, fundamentals?  They're important, but not as important as you play the stock. That's the truth.  Anything over .50, I don't waste my time, unless I think it's worth looking into, because I'm a Daytrader (Trade Stocks for the Day).  If you want to learn how to make money on a routine type basis, like I do, SIGN UP AS A MEMBER OF OUR SITE, and you will be able to gain access to The Penny Investor Newsletter™, our trading techniques, eBooks, special penny stock brokers, pennystock software, links, and the best free email penny stock pick subscriptions.  IN ADDITION, WE WILL EMAIL YOU OUR RENOWN INVESTMENT PACKET - YOU GET ALL OF THE INFORMATION THAT I USE, ALL OF MY TACTICS, and HOW TO APPLY THOSE TACTICS TO REAL TRADES ---> YOU GET EVERYTHING!

The fact is, we we've been leading the way in providing beneficial penny stock picks and resources since 1995 and haven't suddenly shown up on the market or do this part time or recently acquired a domain name or purchased a trading site.  We are real and serious penny stock educational providers and offer the top penny picks which other sites pick up and follow.

We like to keep it real and tell it like is, and not confuse or fluff up who we are.  We do well, and we want you do well.  Period!!!

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